CITRN Canada Federal licensed immigration firm with 37 years of expertise in the industry.

About Citrn


We are CITRN, a licensed immigration firm in Toronto CANADA. SPECIALIZED IRB LICENCE We have been assisting refugee claimants in Canada for the past 37 years from all over the world.
We specialize in refugee law and our primary focus is on India and the treatment and threat to life faced by Muslims under the current BJP Government.
As per the recent developments in India & consistent persecution of Muslims which have been widely documented under Human Rights and accepted by the democratic & developed countries of the world. As reflected in their reports.


2023-24 Statistical Risk Assessment for Mass Killing.

Excerpt from Countries at Risk for Mass Killing 2023–24: India has ranked in the top-15 highest- risk countries of our assessment for several years. Reports of targeted violence against ethnic and religious minorities have continued in 2023. The Hindu nationalist-led government has espoused hate speech against the country’s Muslim minority. Hindu-nationalist groups have engaged in anti-Muslim mob violence with impunity. Government authorities have repeatedly responded to these attacks by arresting Muslims and destroying Muslim property. Ahead of the general elections scheduled for 2024, some journalists have raised concerns about an increased risk of violence against Muslim communities. Attacks, including sexual violence targeting women and girls, against primarily Kuki ethnic communities in Manipur resulted in an estimated 160 people killed, over 300 injured, and thousands displaced by mid-August 2023. Additionally, Christian, Dalit, and Adivasi communities have faced targeted abuses. Government authorities have continued to crack down on civil society actors, including activists and journalists. According to our model, the factors accounting most for India's high-risk estimate are its large population, and history of mass killing. The Early Warning Project judged there was an ongoing mass killing perpetrated by Naxalite-Maoists as of the end of 2022; this risk assessment relates to the possibility of a new and distinct nonstate-led or state-led episode beginning, not to the ongoing episode continuing or increasing in INDIA

                2023-24 Statistical Risk Assessment for Mass Killing


UNHRC report

Department of State – USA

India country report by Canada & USA

The Refugee Board of Canada

These organizations' reports are highly meritorious for references and case studies when adjudicated by The Refugee Board Of Canada to make a determination of the credibility of the claim.

A conclusive decision has been reached by the Immigration and Refugee Board Of Canada country report released in April 2021 that Muslims have a fear for their lives and are systematically being targeted and persecuted in India by the current Hindu extremist Government BJP.

As such, Canada has already ratified or acceded to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and is under the legal and moral obligation to review any claim from India (subject to few other minor requirements) And offer protection and permanent resident if the case is found credible.


While India is a multiparty democracy, the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has presided over discriminatory policies and a rise in persecution affecting the Muslim population. The constitution guarantees civil liberties including freedom of expression and freedom of religion, but harassment of journalists, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and other government critics has increased significantly under Modi. Muslims, scheduled castes (Dalits), and scheduled tribes (Adivasis) remain economically and socially marginalized.

We are hoping to meet with credible Muslim organizations around India to meet and discuss this programme where we can assist Muslim Indian Nationals on the legal procedure to make such a claim in Canada. As a cautionary measure please note we are not encouraging any one to make any fraudulent claim. Even if a Muslim has a fear for life and did not suffer any actual persecution this is still grounds for a refugee claim, however the fear must have stemmed from witnessing or even being aware of such persecution happening in the country resulting in a FEAR FOR LIFE

CITRN with thirty years’ experience in Refugee law is providing proper legal advice and representation throughout your case and representation before the Tribunal.

We scrutinize and analyze the claim for filing and further representation, ensuring legal research and analysis of the claim in regards to current country condition and apply country condition and persecution to the specific claim with awareness on ongoing developments and persecution to enable a successful claim

We spend endless hours on our file preparations putting our vast knowledge and ensuring our clients are fully prepared for their hearings.


Feel free to complete our preliminary assessment available online at

Some useful reference links.


CITRN assumes no responsibility or liability for the content of this information. The information contained in this page is provided from the Govt of Canada country report website and other reliable sources. The information provided is for reference purpose and does not serve as legal advice and subject to changes by Statutory bodies.
ALL SOURCE OF INFORMATION HAS BEEN LINKED and is subject to Freedom of information:
ACCESSING PUBLIC INFORMATION: No information published is meant to be discriminatory prejudiced harm or constitutes a legal opinion against any country or religion or ethnicity.

Carl Hosein is a licensed immigration
consultant with over 37 years
experience in Refugee Law

Refugee law can be complex and requires experience in planning and executing for success. Mr Hosein has represented various clients before the IRB with a good proven track record. Specific to Religious persecution., women’s rights and sexual orientation. Based on practical country research and research from extensive International sources, Mr. Hosein has the knowledge and expertise  to successfully represent your care before the IRB. We are also very sensitive to religious and cultural issues


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